
KIS offers LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes to eligible clients.

它由加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 资助,永久居民、难民和临时居民在获得永久居留权的过程中免费使用。 


LINC 为所有成年新移民、难民和定居移民提供从 CLB 识字水平到 CLB 8 级的课程。该计划适合所有识字水平、年龄组、性别和背景的人。它可以帮助您实现个人语言目标,以便您可以尽快在社区、工作或学校进行交流和参与日常生活。

Our instructors are all TESL certified with years of experience teaching English in Canada and abroad. Classes give you the opportunity to learn English at your own pace, with no tests, stress or judgment and give you the opportunity to learn English at your own pace, with no tests, no stress and no judgment.

  • 为就业、学校和社区参与做准备。
  • 结交朋友、网络、社交并获得支持和资源。
  • 参加实地研究、研讨会和社区活动。
  • 获得您的 LINC 证书(听力和口语至少达到 4 级的证书可以作为公民语言要求的证明)。


We have developed hybrid classes in addition to in-person classes for all levels with a variety of scheduling options to meet your needs.


1. Complete an intake and book and appointment online or in person.
2. 亲自进行分班评估
3. 上课!

自由的: For Permanent Residents, Refugees, Temporary Residents on their pathway to Permanent Residency, and naturalized citizens seeking employment, 18 years +

(Waitlists may apply)

Fee of $60 for CLB assessment for HCAP (Health Care Assistant Program) and ECEA (Early Childhood Educator Assistant)

LINC 课程从周一到周四提供,时间灵活,可满足您的日程安排、水平和育儿需求。请注意,大多数课程都是虚拟提供的

上午 9:00 至中午 12:00 – 级别:(0 和 4-8)– 符合条件的参与家长可在现场进行保育

12:00pm-3:00pm – 级别:(2-3)

中午 12:00 至下午 3:30 – 级别:(1) 符合条件的参与家长现场儿童思维

6:00pm-8:00pm – 级别:(2-8) – Childmind 不可用



注册 林肯公司

如需注册或了解有关 LINC 的更多信息,请联系我们

