Settlement Workers In Schools (SWIS)

Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) provide settlement services to the immigrant families and students in SD 73 schools.

The SWIS Worker provides School Orientation to all newcomer parents and students, as well as assisting SD 73 schools in working with the newcomer population. This includes providing needed information and referrals to resources in the community and school.

The goal of the program is to support positive settlement for newcomer families, and foster student integration into schools and achievement.

Services For Parents and Guardians:

The Settlement Workers In Schools program is open to immigrant and refugee students and their parents or caregivers (e.g. grandparents) who are currently living in the School District 73 area.

School building and school yard with basketball court


The District recognizes that a school-age resident of British Columbia…

Seminar registration


There are many required documents to include..

Happy high school principal greeting mother and her teenage daughter at his office.


As you are looking to enroll your child in the Canadian…

Lunch at school

hot lunch program

Check your school website or refer to your welcome package.

Smiling african-american schoolgirl going back to school with books and copybooks


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Mentoring Empowerment and Tutoring (MET) Program

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Tutoring Session


mentoring sessions




Contact Us

Anna Ediger

Phone Number: (250) 377-5271


Languages: English, Dutch

Sam Birchall

Phone Number: (778) 538-0405


Languages: English

Clara Kong

Phone Number: (250) 682-8198


Languages: English

  1. Who is a SWIS worker?

Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) provide settlement services to the immigrant families and students in SD 73 schools. The goal of the program is to support positive settlement for newcomer families and foster student integration into schools and achievement. This includes providing needed information and referrals to resources in the community and school.

The SWIS Worker provides school orientation to newcomer parents and students as well as

assisting the schools in working with the newcomer population.

SWIS Worker’s Core Activities:

  • Outreach to newly arrived families registering in school
  • Settlement support for students, parents and families, including needs assessment and settlement action plan.
  • Promoting cross-cultural understanding and facilitating communication
  • Bridging with service providers and community activities

  1. When do I involve a SWIS worker?

The best time to involve a SWIS worker is when a new immigrant family comes in to register their child with your school. At this point the referral form can be filled out and sent to your community SWIS worker, as well as arrangements made for the worker to come in and meet with the family at your school. After this initial meeting, the SWIS worker will schedule any further follow-up appointments if need be.

Schools may also choose to invite SWIS workers to staff meetings. This allows the opportunity for your SWIS worker to personally introduce themselves and familiarize the school with the intake process and services.

  1. What kind of ongoing support do SWIS workers offer students following their orientation?

SWIS workers can help schools and teachers with cultural interpretations, support and referrals and working to liaison between the family and school if re-settlement issues arise.


  1. Are there age restrictions on students that can be referred to the program?

Students from kindergarten to grade 12 and their families can be referred to our program.


  1. Are private and catholic schools eligible for SWIS services?

Kamloops Immigrant Services are available to all immigrants and can be accessed for support by appointment.


  1. What information do you need from us to register the student with your program?

Please fill out all the information on the referral form. Upon the first meeting, we will require the parents to bring their Permanent Resident cards (or Confirmation of Permanent Residence/landing papers) as well as their child’s. After this, a file will be opened for the family.

Download SWIS School Staff Referral Form


Fill the form below

Settlement Workers In Schools (SWIS) Program

Student/Family Information

Interpreter needed for meetings

School Information

Parent has consented to be contacted by SWIS?
For assistance please call: 778-470-6101 ext. 119

Tutoring Referral Form

Tutoring Program Referral
Parent has consented to be contacted by SWIS? *

Tutoring Registration From

Tutoring Program Registration
Type of Tutoring *
Subject for Tutoring *
Preferred Tutoring Platform *
Consent to be Contacted by a SWIS (Settlement Worker In Schools) *
Have you completed an intake form with Kamloops Immigrant Services? ( An intake form has to be completed before receiving tutoring services) *


Learning English is very important for the Newcomer family.
See how we encourage home language maintenance.

The Trauma Toolkit, by Klinic Community Health Centre

MET Program refferal form

Mentoring, Empowerment and Tutoring (MET) Program Referral form for Newcomer School-age Students

Support needed
*A mentor is a caring and dependable adult or older individual who can serve as a positive influence and role model for your child. They offer support, encouragement, and fun. Research has shown that children who benefit from a mentor’s guidance often excel in their academic pursuits and show increased levels of self-esteem.
Preference for service delivery:
Student’s Availability:
Do you give consent to be contacted by a SWIS worker?

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