Signup For English Classes

KIS offers LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) classes to eligible clients.

It is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and is free to Permanent Residents, Refugees and Temporary Residents on their pathway to Permanent Residency. 

girl doing homework in english

LINC is offered from CLB literacy level to CLB level 8 for all adult newcomers, refugees, settled immigrants. This program is suited for all levels of literacy, age groups, genders and backgrounds. It can help you meet individual language goals so you can communicate and engage in everyday life in your community, at work or school as quickly as possible.

Our instructors are all TESL certified with years of experience teaching English in Canada and abroad. Classes give you the opportunity to learn English at your own pace, with no tests, stress or judgment and give you the opportunity to learn English at your own pace, with no tests, no stress and no judgment.

  • Prepare for employment, school and community engagement.
  • Make friends, networks, socialize and access support and resources.
  • Participate in field studies, workshops and community events.
  • Earn your LINC certificate (certificates with Listening and Speaking at a minimum Level 4 are accepted as proof of language requirement for citizenship).


We have developed hybrid classes in addition to in-person classes for all levels with a variety of scheduling options to meet your needs.

English Female Teacher Explaining Topic to Students

1. Complete an intake and book and appointment online or in person.
2. Take a placement assessment in-person
3. Join class!

FREE: For Permanent Residents, Refugees, Temporary Residents on their pathway to Permanent Residency, and naturalized citizens seeking employment, 18 years +

(Waitlists may apply)

Fee of $60 for CLB assessment for HCAP (Health Care Assistant Program) and ECEA (Early Childhood Educator Assistant)

LINC classes are offered from Monday to Thursday with flexible times to fit your schedule, level and childcare needs. Note that most classes are offered virtually

Morning Classes:
9:00am-12:00pm – Levels: (0 and 4-8) – Childmind on-site for eligible participating parents

Afternoon Classes:
12:00pm-3:00pm – Levels: (2-3)

12:00pm-3:30pm – Levels: (1) Childmind on-site for eligible participating parents

Night Classes:
6:00pm-8:00pm – Levels:(2-8) – Childmind not available


Note: Childminding is available for eligible and participating parents who remain on-sight during their classes or while accessing services. Please visit our Childmind page (provide link) for program information.

Register For LINC

To register or for more information on LINC contact us

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