Intake form (客戶資料登記表)

Client Intake Form Traditional Chinese (客戶資料登記表)

Instructions (填表說明)

All information entered must be in ENGLISH

Address (地址)
City (居住城市)
Province (居住省份)
Postal Code (郵編)
Gender (性別)
Official Language of Preference: (官方語言偏好)
Immigration Status: (Choose one) (移民身分)
Immigration Class (移民類別)
Level of education: (Choose one) (學歷(擇一))

Family Members in Canada (Spouse, Children) (在加拿大的家人(配偶及子女))

Confidentiality Statement

Kamloops Immigrant Services protects personal information by following the government’s privacy laws as outlined in the Personal Information Protection Act, Bill 38: Personal Information provided to Kamloops-Cariboo Regional Immigrants Society (KCRIS) is used to meet client’s needs, statistics, evaluation of service and research by the federal/provincial government. Staff will not disclose any information without client permission unless legally obligated to do so. Completion and submission of this intake form implies consent to collecting information for these purposes.
I certify that all of the information provided herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misstatement, falsification or omission is grounds for termination of service.


甘露市移民服務中心根據《個人資料保護法》第 38 號法案中概述的政府隱私法保護個資法:甘露市卡里布地區移民協會 (KCRIS) 所收集的個人資料用於滿足客戶需求、統計數據、評估服務以及聯邦/省政府的研究。除非有法律義務,否則員工不會在未經客戶許可的情況下透露任何個人資料。當您填寫此資料表並繳交上傳後, 視同您同意為上述目的提供您的個人資料。

Client’s Initials (客戶名字拼音縮寫)
How did you hear about us? (您如何得知本服務中心?)
KIS hosts workshops, events and information sessions. We will keep you inform via email. You will have the option to unsubscribe if you prefer not to receive our monthly newsletter.
甘露市移民服務中心(KIS)定期舉辦工作坊、活動及安頓訊息講座。 我們會將活動訊息發到您的電子郵箱。如果您不想收到我們每個月的活動期刊, 您可選擇取消訂閱。
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