Interpretation and Translation Services

KIS has provided accurate and confidential linguistic translation and interpretation services to a large number of agencies, businesses and individuals for over 30 years. We are the only establishment providing this service in Kamloops.

Our agency coordinates and directly provides high-quality interpretation and translation services in over 40 languages, including:  French, Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati, Cantonese, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese, Spanish, and German.

This is a fee-for-service program available to individual clients, as well as private and public service agencies. Please refer to our pricing guidelines below.

 KCRIS Interpretation & Translation CLIENT RATES (Effective Aug 1, 2021)



Fill out Client Interpretation/Translation Request form and submit via e-mail to Shiro Abraham ( )

Interpretation & Translation Request Form


Interpretation Services


  • Conferences
  • Interviews
  • Investigations
  • Medical and psychiatric
  • Counselling appointments
  • Treatments
  • Depositions
  • Training sessions and
  • Public consultations
  • High level business
    meetings for private entities and/or foreign and domestic government
  • And more!


Translation Services


  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificates
  • University & college
  • Divorce papers
  • Technical reports
  • Product literature
  • Proposals
  • Manuals
  • Marketing materials
  • Advertisement
  • Contracts
  • Presentations
  • Internal corporate
  • Tender agreements
  • Websites
  • Books
  • And more!


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