English Testing & Classes

As a newcomer to Canada, learning English is one of the most important things you can do to help feel at home in your new community. Our Language Assessments and English Classes are free to newcomers to Canada 17 years old or older who are Permanent Resident, Refugee or on a confirmed pathway to Permanent Residency.

English Testing & Classes

As a newcomer to Canada, learning English is one of the most important things you can do to help feel at home in your new community.
Our Language Assessments and English Classes are free to newcomers to Canada 17 years old or older who are Permanent Resident, Refugee or on a confirmed pathway to Permanent Residency.

English Test

The test assesses your ability to listen, speak, read, and write English. KIS follows the Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Test (CLBPT). The CLBPT takes approximately 1½ -2 hours in total. The results of your test will help determine which class level you will be the most comfortable to participate in. The results can also be used for placement into workplace training programs with a language component.

Tests are offered in-person bi-monthly and online during COVID-19.
Contact us for more information or to book an appointment online or in-person:
778-470-6101 | kis@immigrantservices.ca

English Classes

Our (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) LINC classes will help with all your communication needs; English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The classes also provide you with key information about Canadian laws and culture, health care, society and job market.

Classes are offered in-person in the morning, afternoon and evening Monday through Thursday.
Students are expected to attend all or almost all of their classes, and to attend on time. Do not apply for LINC if you cannot attend on all the days when the class meets.

If you need child care during your classes, KIS has free childminding services for pre-school age children. A Settlement Counsellor can help you to find out if you are eligible for childminding services.

Contact us for more information or to book an appointment online or in-person:
778-470-6101 | kis@immigrantservices.ca

LINC Home Study

The Language Education at distance provides free distance education for eligible clients that cannot attend classes in person. For more information contact LINC Home Study – Canada: 1-800-668-1179 ext. 1294 lincndhelp@linchomestudy.ca www.linchsnational.ca

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