Hire Talent

Hire talent

We have people who are ready to work for you! Tap into a hidden talent pool by hiring a newcomer. ᅠWe work with you to find employees who are a good fit for your organization, at no cost to your business, and help with recruitment, onboarding and retention of immigrant employees.

“A diverse workforce is good for business.”ᅠ -Marc Antoine

For further assistance, contact Amy Verhey, Employer Advisor:

Blending their talents to drive productivity

hire qualified workers

If you wish to learn more about attracting and hiring qualified workers from around the world who are not yet in Canada, you can connect with an outreach officer or attend virtual presentations through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) .

Additional Resources

African American Lady Using Laptop In Office, Side View, Panorama

Employer guides

These employer guides created by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and the Immigrant Employment Council of BC, can help your business become more inclusive with its hiring practices and when assisting newcomers with settling into new roles.

man submit resume to employer to review job application.

employer Tools

The JobConnect tool, developed by the Immigrant Employment Council of BC (IECBC), also supports employers with hiring newcomers for higher level positions of employment. To explore this tool and other resources visit their website.


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