Community Partnerships

Through an employment Service Partnership with WorkBC, a collaborative and integrated inter-agency employment services framework has been developed.

Work Open Door Group Kamloops

Through an employment Service Partnership with WorkBC, a collaborative and integrated inter-agency employment services framework has been developed. KIS and the Open Door Group

Kamloops (WorkBC) Counsellors work with clients with language proficiency and program eligibility to review the client progress towards employability to provide a continuum of service, rather than duplication of effort. Clients continue to meet with KIS Intercultural Employment Counsellor as often as needed.

The partnership allows our clients to move from one agency to the other with full support, opens-up their eligibility for more services, and gives them opportunities they may not get from
one agency alone.

A KIS employment counsellor spends one day per month with the Open Door Group counsellor for debriefing, program monitoring and evaluation. This time allows for collaborative work between Work BC and KIS to develop the best plan for success with and for the client.

Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Society
Through the Civil Forfeiture Crime Prevention and Remediation Grant Program the two agencies entered a partnership where KSACC will be able to develop and provide specific Prevention, Advocacy, and Counselling Services to KIS clients in 2020-2021.

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